Dear Mabel,
Right around this time last year I sat down and wrote a letter to you about the day you were born. It was a spur of the moment idea as I was looking to vent all of the wonderful feelings I was experiencing and blissful moments that had taken place from then on. Now that you have turned a year old I am finding myself yet again wanting to write down all of the wonderful things about you, my sweet little girl, and the joy you have brought to our lives. I hope to make this a yearly tradition so someday you will have a nice collection of letters from your Mama recapping what I hope and pray to be a beautiful life.
It’s hard to decide where to begin, there is so much to tell. At this very moment I just laid you down for your morning nap which you take everyday. I am listening to you snuggle your “friends” and sing yourself off to sleep. I cherish our Mama and Mabel days together, they are so sweet and mostly predictable. It’s becoming more and more apparent that you like things the way you like them, certain things at certain times of the day, Daddy says you get this from me. I try to switch things up every so often and teach you the joys of being spontaneous.
Once we arrived inArizona and got settled you started growing so fast! By the end of the summer you were sitting up, rolling over, and talking up a storm. You learned to wave bye bye, clap your hands, and give kisses. We had such a fun summer exploring our new surroundings and making a life here. Your favorite days were spent swimming, you are definitely a water baby. We enrolled you in swimming lessons 2 times a week and you were the smallest, but the best baby in the class.
You and I took another trip toNorth Dakota in September where Aunties Ali and Ivy tried and tried to help you crawl but you just were not ready. However you were ready by October, right after Halloween. We had so much fun with you this Halloween. You dressed up as your favorite animal, a pig, and looked so cute. When we would ask you what a pig says, you would squinsh up your nose and snort. After Halloween you hit yet another growth spurt. It took 1 month of you crawling and before we knew it you were walking in November. You have also added many words to your vocabulary such as dog, Mama, and baby to name a few. Daddy’s whole family came to spend Thanksgiving with us in Arizona and you loved playing with your cousins. Everyone was so impressed with your walking skills and how smart you are.
My favorite memory of this past year was our family vacation to San Diego for your 1st birthday. You have always seemed to love animals especially dogs and horses, so we planned to take a trip and spend your birthday at the zoo, just us three. It was the best 4 days ever. You, Daddy and I had so much fun. We took you to the beach and watched you run in the tides. You were so happy and completely mesmerized with the great big ocean. Even though the water was freezing you splashed your feet and played for hours. Daddy and I loved watching you so much. You loved the sand and all the seagulls as well. Our day at the zoo was also amazing. You loved every single animal you saw especially the gorillas, polar bears, elephants, panda, and giraffe.

Now you are preparing to be a big sister. Your little brother will be arriving in a couple of months. I am spending lots and lots of time just snuggling with you because I know that our quiet days at home alone will be scarce this next year. You are also becoming more and more busy and I know in no time there will be art projects and play dates taking up your time. I know you will be such a great big sister and am so excited for you to have someone to grow up with.
Once we arrived in
You had a lot of visitors over the summer. Grandma Karen got to come in June, Grandma and Grandpa Williams came for the 4th of July, and Auntie Ivy spent a whole month with us while Auntie Ali came for the last week.
In August you said your first word, “Da Da” and “Duck” shortly followed. I started taking you to Music classes and story time at the Library where you play with all the other babies and check out new books every week. You love to read so much.
You and I took another trip to

When we came back from our trip we had to prepare for Christmas. You and I shopped and shopped and shopped some more. We had so much fun decorating our house and listening to Christmas music. You especially loved the Christmas Tree and said goodnight to it every night before bed. Daddy and I took you to the Grand Canyon railroad in Williams Arizona for the Polar Express ride to the North Pole. You got to meet Santa Claus and he gave you a jingle bell. You had so much fun listening to Christmas music and watching all the other kids play. You even ate a sugar cookie the size of your head! We spent Christmas in North Dakota this year but didn’t get to see any snow. Even so you had so much fun running around Grandma Karens house and waking up Ali and Ivy each morning. Every night we were there people came to see you. You got to see a lot of cousins and friends and even your old pal from Kansas City , baby Jack. Since then you have been talking so much! You say “that” “Gama” “Ali” “Ivy” “Tree” you even like to call me “Abby” or “Ab” when you want to be funny. You also know a bunch of animal sounds like what a puppy says, a duck, a cow and a bird. Your favorite toy right now is your baby doll. You love to give her babas, change her diapers, and give her kisses.
Now you are preparing to be a big sister. Your little brother will be arriving in a couple of months. I am spending lots and lots of time just snuggling with you because I know that our quiet days at home alone will be scarce this next year. You are also becoming more and more busy and I know in no time there will be art projects and play dates taking up your time. I know you will be such a great big sister and am so excited for you to have someone to grow up with.
You have brought so much joy to our lives this past year and we feel so blessed to have such a smart, sweet, healthy baby who is so happy. I love you so much more than you can imagine and look forward to a wonderful 2012 with my darling little Mabel.
Love Always, Mama
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