When I first became a Mom almost a year and a half ago, I was overwhelmed with emotions. I sat down to write everything I was feeling down in hopes to understand my feelings on a deeper level. A year later I worte another letter to Mabel about how wonderful my life has been with her in it. Now here I am again writing another letter to my second baby, Gus.
April 10th 2012
Dear Gus,
5 weeks ago you came into this world and it was the most wonderful day. You are such an angel and our little family feels complete. Your Daddy and I are so in love with you and so is your big sister Mabel. Between the 3 of us you hardly go a moment without being snuggled and loved on.

The day you were born was an amazing day. Everything went beautifully and I can’t think of a single thing I would change. Every Monday 5 weeks prior to you being born, I would go to my weekly check ups with the doctor. I loved going to the doctor. Everyone in the office was so kind and I felt so proud showing off my big round belly. Each time Dr. Reed would tell me how strong your heart sounded and that everything looked great. Monday March 5th it was a typical check up and this time Daddy and Mabel decided to come along so we could do some shopping after my appointment. To our surprise, after talking with the doctor he told us to make our way to the hospital that evening because we were ready to go. So home we went to pack our bags and make sure the house was ready for your arrival. I felt so many emotions that day, I was nervous and calm, excited and anxious. I spent some alone time with your big sister Mabel and we had a little talk about how things were about to change. I told her she was going to have a new baby brother who would be her best friend. We called everyone to let them know and Grandpa Ted started to make his way so he could be here to help with Mabel while Daddy and I were in the hospital with you.
Once we made it to the hospital that Monday night I decided that Daddy should be at home with Mabel until it was closer to your arrival. He stayed with me until I felt comfortable and we were sure nothing was going to be happening for awhile then home he went. I will always remember that night alone in my hospital bed in the dark listening to the sound of your heart beat. Even with contractions I was surprisingly comforted and calm. I thought about how you would look and how happy I would be to finally hold your little hands and feet I had felt kicking me for all these months. I knew in the morning you were coming. Bright and early the next morning Daddy arrived and I was happy to see him. Fortunately right when he got there I felt a major change and knew things were progressing quickly. After a few strong contractions I decided I was ready for my epidural which makes things much easier. Then after what seemed like 10 minutes you were on your way out. After about 4 good pushes I suddenly heard the sounds of your sweet yet strong cry and there you were at
The nurses laid you on my chest right away and it was heaven. You were absolutely beautiful. You became so calm when you heard my voice and I held you tight, you knew exactly who I was. Daddy and the nurses took you over to be weighed and measured. You were 8 pounds 5 ounces and 21 inches long and in perfect health. Daddy and I were so proud. Shortly after you arrived Mabel was on her way to meet you. I couldn’t wait to show her our new baby. I knew she would love you so much and sure enough she smothered you in kisses the minute she saw you. I had dreamt of that moment and it was just as I imagined except one million times better.

We decided to name you Gus Theodore because it fit you perfectly. Your middle name, Theodore is after Grandpa Ted who we love. Everyone loved your name.

We decided to name you Gus Theodore because it fit you perfectly. Your middle name, Theodore is after Grandpa Ted who we love. Everyone loved your name.
The next couple of nights in the hospital it was just you and I. It was very quiet and peaceful and we both got a lot of rest. I just stared at you for hours, you really were the sweetest little man. You were such a good eater right away as well and hungry all of the time. After getting the OK from the doctor we finally got to go home and I was so ready for our new chapter to begin as a family of 4.
The past 5 weeks have been lovely. Busy, but still lovely. Daddy went back to work slowly to help us ease into things. Daddy really loves having another man in the house I can already see how close you two will be. Every night when he gets home, he can hardly swoop you up fast enough. He loves to watch his Manly shows on tv while snuggling his boy.
You’ve already met a lot of family in the short amount of time you’ve been here. Grandma and Grandpa Williams were here right when you came home from the hospital and a couple of weeks later Grandma Karen came to stay for a whole week. Aunties Ali and Ivy spent Easter with us which was so much fun. You were the first one up to find your Easter Basket!
I love being home each day with you and Mabel, my sweet babies. Our days at home are very fun. Mabel loves to play with you and show you all of her toys. Every time you drop your pacifier, she jumps up to put it right back into your mouth. Though sometimes she tries it out first. She loves to un-button your little sleepers. I can hardly keep clothes on you with her around. We listen to Music and reading lots of books. We go to the park and take walks. You really seem to enjoy being outside. You recently started smiling back at us when we make funny faces at you. Mabel calls you “Baby Gula” because she can’t say her s’s quite yet. It is so cute and is very catchy because we call you that sometimes too. While Ali and Ivy were here we called you “Gubrs” which turned into “Doctor Gubrs” and then “Doc”. I’m still not sure how that came about so you will have to ask them someday.
Our family feels so complete with you here. I feel so grateful each day to be your Mama and can’t wait to watch you grow. I dream of the fun we’ll have with you and the little man you will be.
I love you more than words can say.
Love Mama
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