To start, Life is Good.We are finally starting to get into a groove as a new family of 4. Having 2 kids under the age of 2 is no joke...we are TIRED! Let me re-affirm though, it's the good kind of tired. Whether it's when I am awake at 3:00 a.m listening to the soothing sounds of the bathroom fan with a wide awake 7 week old, or at 3:00 p.m. entertaining a 17 month old that just woke up from her nap and wants to unfold 5 piles of laundry I finally managed to fold, I am constantly reminding myself how fast this time is flying by.
I am really trying to take it all in. Yesterday I told Sam, "Come here for a second". When he did I said "Give Gus a kiss on the lips". He did and then looked at me like, what? I tried explaining myself, how we should be taking mental notes of what a new baby feels like. Yesterday I had a bazillion things I could have done while Mabel was napping instead I decided to hold Gus while he slept and breathe my little guy in. There is nothing better than newborn skin or little tiny hands and feet. I love this age. I also love Mabel's age. I think it's The contrast between them that gets me all emotional.
Don't we look tired...yikes.
Flash back time... My Mom was here for an entire week to meet Gus. Originally she was supposed to be here when Gus arrived but those things never work out do they now. And in true Grandma fashion both babies were spoiled and snuggled like crazy.
My Mom and her very first Grandson.
It was especially nice to have her here to entertain Mabel. If you can believe it three weeks later, I hadn't yet gotten a chance to recover from everything. I actually got to lay around a bit and get some much needed rest.
Gus has been so alert since the day he way born. He is definitely an observer and very curious.
Easter rolled around and it was Ali and Ivy's turn to meet Gus. Of course that meant more snuggles and more spoiling. I swear my Mom and sisters never stop shopping for my babies.
Ali claimed to have the magic touch with Gus. She held him for hours on end and was concerned he wouldn't be properly taken care of (held 24 hours straight) when she left.
Ivy teaching Mabel about fashion.
I finally caved in and got Mabel's bangs cut. My intentions were to let it grow forever but sisters hair did not cooperate. All the cute clips I made for her from pinterest dyi's, yeah they were cute, but never stayed in long.
Thankfully Ivy was there to snap some photos while I held Mabel. I was very proud of her, she didn't cry at all. I was a little sad after because she looked so grown up. Still adorable though, obviously.
After church on Easter we decided to head to the park while dinner was in the works. Mabel loves her "Occa Ball" from Grandma.

Hello Mama :)
Baby Gus loves being outside. He and I hung out under a shaded tree and watched all the fun go down.
It was awesome to have my sisters here for a few days, though time flew quickly. We didn't do much but we had a lot of fun just hanging out taking care of babies. Through out there stay Sam and I said numerous times, "If only Ali and Ivy lived here" One word...babysitters.
After all of the visitors we were so ready to get back to normal, get into our new rhythm, and adjust. There are still some kinks to work out as far as sleep goes, baby schedules, and finding time to ourselves but it's happening and it's all good.
Get a load of these two.
Mabel loves when I come in to get her after a nap with Gus. She holds out her hands and gets so excited when I put him in her crib. To Mabel, Gus is right up there with Piggy and Lammy and that is top honor.
More to come this weekend. We've got lots going on around here, someone is smiling and someone got a new potty chair...Exciting stuff I tell you!
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