I work really hard to do the best job for my 2 babies because being a Mother takes work. We look for inspiration everywhere and are influenced by so many different things. Books, television, internet, social media, magazines, other parents and doctors just to name a few. For me the most important influence has been my own Mother. I like to believe that long ago when I was a baby I was learning to be the Mother I would one day become. I have a wonderful Mother. I have many memories of her being just that, wonderful. I don't remember every moment of my childhood but the moments that I was too young to remember are relived by watching my Mom with my babies.
About a year and a half ago, when Mabel was born my Mom was there. It was the most exciting time of my life yet I was terrified. As a new Mom you second guess yourself constantly especially in those first moments. Is she eating enough? Is she too hot or cold? Why is she crying like that? My Mom stayed with us for 4 days helping to calm my nerves and reassure me I was doing OK. The day she left I broke down into tears. While crying I said to her in complete sincerity, "I'm scared" and she calmly replied, "you will be fine" and she meant it. And I was fine. It wasn't because of the books I read or the classes they say you are supposed to take, it was because of her. My Mom also had an awesome Mother who probably had a lot to do with her being so great.
My Grandma Rosemary and I. Another amazing Mother that inspires me. |
I dreamed of becoming a Mom my entire life. Being an older sister was so wonderful for me. I have many memories of playing with my baby sisters. I loved dressing them up and doing there hair. They were like life size dolls.
Mother in training. Ali, Ivy and I almost 16 years ago. |
I already see a little Mama in Mabel. She loves to feed and burp her baby doll and rock her to sleep. She is such a sweet big sister to Gus and loves to help me take care of him. I know she is emulating what she sees in me and that makes me proud.

Happy Mothers Day to anyone who has ever loved a baby or a Mother. And especially to my Mom, thanks for inspiring me every day.
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