Thursday, April 26, 2012

My first letter to Gus April 10th 2012

When I first became a Mom almost a year and a half ago, I was overwhelmed with emotions. I sat down to write everything I was feeling down in hopes to understand my feelings on a deeper level. A year later I worte another letter to Mabel about how wonderful my life has been with her in it. Now here I am again writing another letter to my second baby, Gus.
                                                                                                      April 10th 2012
Dear Gus,

5 weeks ago you came into this world and it was the most wonderful day. You are such an angel and our little family feels complete. Your Daddy and I are so in love with you and so is your big sister Mabel. Between the 3 of us you hardly go a moment without being snuggled and loved on.

The day you were born was an amazing day. Everything went beautifully and I can’t think of a single thing I would change. Every Monday 5 weeks prior to you being born, I would go to my weekly check ups with the doctor. I loved going to the doctor. Everyone in the office was so kind and I felt so proud showing off my big round belly. Each time Dr. Reed would tell me how strong your heart sounded and that everything looked great. Monday March 5th it was a typical check up and this time Daddy and Mabel decided to come along so we could do some shopping after my appointment. To our surprise, after talking with the doctor he told us to make our way to the hospital that evening because we were ready to go. So home we went to pack our bags and make sure the house was ready for your arrival. I felt so many emotions that day, I was nervous and calm, excited and anxious. I spent some alone time with your big sister Mabel and we had a little talk about how things were about to change. I told her she was going to have a new baby brother who would be her best friend. We called everyone to let them know and Grandpa Ted started to make his way so he could be here to help with Mabel while Daddy and I were in the hospital with you.

Once we made it to the hospital that Monday night I decided that Daddy should be at home with Mabel until it was closer to your arrival. He stayed with me until I felt comfortable and we were sure nothing was going to be happening for awhile then home he went. I will always remember that night alone in my hospital bed in the dark listening to the sound of your heart beat. Even with contractions I was surprisingly comforted and calm. I thought about how you would look and how happy I would be to finally hold your little hands and feet I had felt kicking me for all these months. I knew in the morning you were coming. Bright and early the next morning Daddy arrived and I was happy to see him. Fortunately right when he got there I felt a major change and knew things were progressing quickly. After a few strong contractions I decided I was ready for my epidural which makes things much easier. Then after what seemed like 10 minutes you were on your way out. After about 4 good pushes I suddenly heard the sounds of your sweet yet strong cry and there you were at

 The nurses laid you on my chest right away and it was heaven. You were absolutely beautiful. You became so calm when you heard my voice and I held you tight, you knew exactly who I was. Daddy and the nurses took you over to be weighed and measured. You were 8 pounds 5 ounces and 21 inches long and in perfect health. Daddy and I were so proud. Shortly after you arrived Mabel was on her way to meet you. I couldn’t wait to show her our new baby. I knew she would love you so much and sure enough she smothered you in kisses the minute she saw you. I had dreamt of that moment and it was just as I imagined except one million times better.

We decided to name you Gus Theodore because it fit you perfectly. Your middle name, Theodore is after Grandpa Ted who we love. Everyone loved your name.
The next couple of nights in the hospital it was just you and I. It was very quiet and peaceful and we both got a lot of rest. I just stared at you for hours, you really were the sweetest little man. You were such a good eater right away as well and hungry all of the time. After getting the OK from the doctor we finally got to go home and I was so ready for our new chapter to begin as a family of 4.
The past 5 weeks have been lovely. Busy, but still lovely. Daddy went back to work slowly to help us ease into things. Daddy really loves having another man in the house I can already see how close you two will be. Every night when he gets home, he can hardly swoop you up fast enough. He loves to watch his Manly shows on tv while snuggling his boy.

You’ve already met a lot of family in the short amount of time you’ve been here. Grandma and Grandpa Williams were here right when you came home from the hospital and a couple of weeks later Grandma Karen came to stay for a whole week. Aunties Ali and Ivy spent Easter with us which was so much fun. You were the first one up to find your Easter Basket!

I love being home each day with you and Mabel, my sweet babies. Our days at home are very fun. Mabel loves to play with you and show you all of her toys. Every time you drop your pacifier, she jumps up to put it right back into your mouth. Though sometimes she tries it out first. She loves to un-button your little sleepers. I can hardly keep clothes on you with her around. We listen to Music and reading lots of books. We go to the park and take walks. You really seem to enjoy being outside. You recently started smiling back at us when we make funny faces at you. Mabel calls you “Baby Gula” because she can’t say her s’s quite yet. It is so cute and is very catchy because we call you that sometimes too. While Ali and Ivy were here we called you “Gubrs” which turned into “Doctor Gubrs” and then “Doc”. I’m still not sure how that came about so you will have to ask them someday.

Our family feels so complete with you here. I feel so grateful each day to be your Mama and can’t wait to watch you grow. I dream of the fun we’ll have with you and the little man you will be.

I love you more than words can say.

Love Mama

He is here and he is beautiful!

Gus Theodore Williams was born March 6th 2012

We are so blessed. He is healthy, happy and an absolute dream.

Mabel's First Year January 10th 2012

                                                                                                                    January 10, 2012

Dear Mabel,

Right around this time last year I sat down and wrote a letter to you about the day you were born. It was a spur of the moment idea as I was looking to vent all of the wonderful feelings I was experiencing and blissful moments that had taken place from then on. Now that you have turned a year old I am finding myself yet again wanting to write down all of the wonderful things about you, my sweet little girl, and the joy you have brought to our lives. I hope to make this a yearly tradition so someday you will have a nice collection of letters from your Mama recapping what I hope and pray to be a beautiful life.

It’s hard to decide where to begin, there is so much to tell. At this very moment I just laid you down for your morning nap which you take everyday. I am listening to you snuggle your “friends” and sing yourself off to sleep. I cherish our Mama and Mabel days together, they are so sweet and mostly predictable. It’s becoming more and more apparent that you like things the way you like them, certain things at certain times of the day, Daddy says you get this from me. I try to switch things up every so often and teach you the joys of being spontaneous.
Once we arrived in Arizona and got settled you started growing so fast! By the end of the summer you were sitting up, rolling over, and talking up a storm. You learned to wave bye bye, clap your hands, and give kisses. We had such a fun summer exploring our new surroundings and making a life here. Your favorite days were spent swimming, you are definitely a water baby. We enrolled you in swimming lessons 2 times a week and you were the smallest, but the best baby in the class.
You had a lot of visitors over the summer. Grandma Karen got to come in June, Grandma and Grandpa Williams came for the 4th of July, and Auntie Ivy spent a whole month with us while Auntie Ali came for the last week.

In August you said your first word, “Da Da” and “Duck” shortly followed. I started taking you to Music classes and story time at the Library where you play with all the other babies and check out new books every week. You love to read so much.

You and I took another trip to North Dakota in September where Aunties Ali and Ivy tried and tried to help you crawl but you just were not ready. However you were ready by October, right after Halloween. We had so much fun with you this Halloween. You dressed up as your favorite animal, a pig, and looked so cute. When we would ask you what a pig says, you would  squinsh up your nose and snort. After Halloween you hit yet another growth spurt. It took 1 month of you crawling and before we knew it you were walking in November. You have also added many words to your vocabulary such as dog, Mama, and baby to name a few. Daddy’s whole family came to spend Thanksgiving with us in Arizona and you loved playing with your cousins. Everyone was so impressed with your walking skills and how smart you are.

My favorite memory of this past year was our family vacation to San Diego for your 1st birthday. You have always seemed to love animals especially dogs and horses, so we planned to take a trip and spend your birthday at the zoo, just us three. It was the best 4 days ever. You, Daddy and I had so much fun. We took you to the beach and watched you run in the tides. You were so happy and completely mesmerized with the great big ocean. Even though the water was freezing you splashed your feet and played for hours. Daddy and I loved watching you so much. You loved the sand and all the seagulls as well. Our day at the zoo was also amazing. You loved every single animal you saw especially the gorillas, polar bears, elephants, panda, and giraffe.

When we came back from our trip we had to prepare for Christmas. You and I shopped and shopped and shopped some more. We had so much fun decorating our house and listening to Christmas music. You especially loved the Christmas Tree and said goodnight to it every night before bed. Daddy and I took you to the Grand Canyon railroad in Williams Arizona for the Polar Express ride to the North Pole. You got to meet Santa Claus and he gave you a jingle bell. You had so much fun listening to Christmas music and watching all the other kids play. You even ate a sugar cookie the size of your head! We spent Christmas in North Dakota this year but didn’t get to see any snow. Even so you had so much fun running around Grandma Karens house and waking up Ali and Ivy each morning. Every night we were there people came to see you. You got to see a lot of cousins and friends and even your old pal from Kansas City, baby Jack. Since then you have been talking so much! You say “that” “Gama” “Ali” “Ivy” “Tree” you even like to call me “Abby” or “Ab” when you want to be funny. You also know a bunch of animal sounds like what a puppy says, a duck, a cow and a bird. Your favorite toy right now is your baby doll. You love to give her babas, change her diapers, and give her kisses.

Now you are preparing to be a big sister. Your little brother will be arriving in a couple of months. I am spending lots and lots of time just snuggling with you because I know that our quiet days at home alone will be scarce this next year. You are also becoming more and more busy and I know in no time there will be art projects and play dates taking up your time. I know you will be such a great big sister and am so excited for you to have someone to grow up with.

You have brought so much joy to our lives this past year and we feel so blessed to have such a smart, sweet, healthy baby who is so happy. I love you so much more than you can imagine and look forward to a wonderful 2012 with my darling little Mabel.

Love Always, Mama

My first letter to Mabel December 20th 2010

                                                                                                  December 20th 2010
(Three weeks post arrival)

Dear Mabel,

Welcome to the world my dear sweet baby girl. The past three weeks have been the best of my life and I feel so blessed to be your Mother. I feel as though the stars have finally aligned because this is what I was put on this earth for. To take care of you and love you, for all time.

This is the story of the day you were born.

After a lovely Thanksgiving weekend, one we thought we would be spending with our new baby girl, Daddy and I made a decision to let the Doctor induce labor because you just were not moving on your own. It must have been quite cozy in there. We spent a quiet day together Sunday, anxiously waiting to leave for the hospital in order to be there at We watched football, made lunch, and finally got around to packing our overnight bag we had been putting off doing for so long. It was a perfect day and we were both so excited, while still a little nervous for what was ahead. We knew that no matter what we were about to go through, we were in it together, and that the end result would be worth it because we would finally have you.

When we arrived at the hospital birthing center the nurses had been getting our room together awaiting our arrival. Everyone at the hospital was so nice the entire time we were there which Daddy and I really appreciated. They showed us to our room and I immediately got into bed. The nurses and doctors started the process and Daddy kept me smiling and comfortable through everything. We watched the rest of the Kansas City Chief’s  football game, Dad’s favorite team, and they won. We took it as a good sign things were going to go smooth. Well into the night we started to get restless and uncomfortable as things seemed to be taking forever.

After a long night of no sleep and lots of poking and prodding, we were happy to see Monday morning and hopeful that you would come sooner rather than later in the day. Around our nurse predicted you would arrive around dinner time. However about things went from 0 to 90 mph, in what seemed to be a split second. The nurses and doctors started to prepare our room for your arrival and the doctor came to get the pushing started.

About they gave us a quick lesson on how to breathe, count, and push as each contraction came and went. And by we were in full on labor. Daddy was the best coach in the world and he helped me get through it. Sure enough you arrived at and you were the most beautiful baby, not a scratch or mark on you. You weighed 7 pounds and 13 ounces and were 19 ½ inches tall. The nurses and Daddy took you to be cleaned off across the room where everyone was gathered around you. I couldn’t see you from my bed where I was stuck and I couldn’t wait to hold and snuggle you!  I could hear your soft little cry as they stamped your foot print on Daddy’s now favorite shirt. Then before I knew it Daddy had you in his arms and brought you to me. You were all swaddled up and all I could see was your face. Your eyes were closed and you were sucking on your little hands. This is something we saw you doing in a sonogram picture a few weeks earlier and we thought it was so cute. You melted our hearts and we were in love.

We decided to name you Mabel Rose, it just fit. We had two names picked out and our plan was to wait to see you before we decided. Mabel was the name of my great grandmother and was a name I had always loved. Rose is short for Rosemary which was my Grandmother whom has a special place in my heart. Needless to say you have a great name that you can always be proud of.

Daddy and I held you all day and night and just stared at you. A lot of people came to the hospital to visit you so we didn’t get an ounce of rest. Grandma and Grandpa Williams, Great Aunt Teddi and your cousins, and a few other friends were some of the first to see you.  Tuesday was going to be a big day because we were hoping to be released. Sure enough after the doctors confirmed you were a healthy, beautiful baby, and you passed all of your tests, we got the OK to go home. Grandma Karen came from North Dakota to help us with anything we needed when we brought you home. We were a little nervous leaving the hospital and Daddy drove very slow the whole 2 miles home. The next week we just snuggled you all the time. You were very tired and slept a lot. It was hard to wake you up and get you to eat.

Now three weeks later you have grown a lot. We have visited the doctor twice to make sure you are eating. Our days are spent at home and we love it. When Daddy gets home from work he joins in on the snuggling. We miss him when he is gone during the day. Daddy and I love waking up with you in the middle of the night, you are just so sweet, even when you’re grouchy and hungry.

Christmas is this week and we are so happy to spend it together as our new little family. We’ve got big plans for the Christmas. Grandma Karen is coming back with aunties Ali, Ivy, and uncle Josh, they are so excited to see you for the first time. Then we’ll spend new years in Salina with Grandpa and Grandma Williams, Uncle Andy and Aunt Gayle, and you will get to meet your cousins too. 

We feel so blessed to have you in our lives and we know it’s only going to get better year after year. We love you more than you could imagine and can’t wait to watch you grow.

                                                                                    Love Always, Mama & Daddy too