Saturday, August 30, 2014

week thirty four.


Mabel: She loves horses so much. They have such a calming effect on her. 

Gus: This is right before he stuck his fingers in the chicken coop. "Mama that chicken bit me!"

Saturday, August 23, 2014

week thirty three.

Mabel: She opted out of taking a nap and I found her in my bathroom wearing my clothes and applying makeup.

Gus: He was helping Sam clean the car and was having a lot of fun climbing over all the seats and checking himself out in the mirror. 

And a couple of the outtakes just because.


Saturday, August 16, 2014

week thirty two. a new series.


I didn't get any pictures of the kids solo for this weeks portraits but I did manage to snap this one of them together during everyone's favorite part of our night time routine.

Our kids really love to read and its something that is really important to us as a family. Our days usually start with Gus runnning into our room quite early and throwing a book at us asking us to read. Mabel is quick to follow. I keep books in my diaper bag, the car, and all over our house.

Each night after dinner, bath, and pajamas we snuggle up in Mabel's bed and read three books. Mabel and Gus each choose one and then Sam or I choose the third. Needless to say we've read a lot of books over the last almost four years.

When picking children's books out I like to put extra effort into it especially since we read so often. There are several authors that we really love and can always count on. I love design and illustration so that's usually what pulls me in. And of course we choose books based on things that we as a family are interested in at the time like potty training and back to school or ballet and trucks. I love to buy children's books and we visit the library a couple of times a week to keep things fresh. We are also members of the Imagination Library which I highly recommend checking into for the children in your lives.

On that note I'd like to introduce a new series to my blog called sweetest reads coming soon! Each week I will introduce 3 books recommended by Mabel and Gus and of course myself and Sam. Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

week thirty one. first day of preschool.


Mabel: Excited for her first day of school! Actually she doesn't look too happy here but I love this picture because I get these looks a lot from her. My 3 year old going on 16! I love her Sass.

Gus: Nothing better than painting outside in your underwear if you ask this guy. We've been spending a lot of time without pants as of late, if you know what I mean. He's doing so well using the potty and loves to pee off the deck or on the rocks outside of our house.  

Here are a couple more pictures from the first day of school. She actually was very excited. The night before she set her school shoes in front of the door so she could find them, requested that I make banana bread with chia seeds and without sugar for breakfast so she has energy for school, she picked her own special outfit,  and insisted on wearing her flower crown. She had a great first day and couldn't wait to go back. We love her little school! Poor Gus kept hoping we were joking about him not being able to go. He cried for awhile after drop off.


Saturday, August 2, 2014

week thirty.


Mabel: A little pause during Wet and Wild Wednesday at the park to wave to her Mama. 

Gus: A quick break from a soccer game during a evening picnic at the teepee.